The Embassy of Coal forrest – Part 2

The examination and discussion of the metabolic aspects of the fossil age and in particular the Leipzig brown lignite will be continued in the winter part of the programme in the Glass Factory. Two artists will offer insights into their artistic research on the Anthropocene and invite you to marvel, think and sense together. The Finnish artist Mari Keski-Korsu, who has been dealing with sauna practice in her artistic work for fifteen years, will come to visit and develop an entire weekend project in cooperation with Grit Ruhland, in which, among other things, the forests of the Tertiary Age of Lignite and the Carboniferous Age of Coal will play a major role. 

Grey shadows of plants with footsteps on it
Bodenarbeit entstanden im SoSe24 im Kurs “Die Botschaft des Karbon” am Lehrstuhl Darstellungslehre, TUD

The public part includes an excursion to the open-cast mine ‘Zwenkauer See’, which represents a practical examination of the exposed Earth Age and where, among other things, plant parts are collected that will be used in a sauna session the next day. Sunday is dedicated to sauna practice – original forms of sauna and artistic reinventions are presented and tried out together. The keyword ‘healing’ also points to the focus of the event.

Both events can also be attended individually.

The event is kindly supported by a grant from the Finnland-Institut.

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Excursion to “Lake” Zwenkau
Meeting point: Plagwitz station at 11 a.m. sharp (train leaves at 11:04 a.m. and the group cannot wait if you are late)
Duration: until 3-4 p.m
(free of charge)

Sunday, 10 November 2024

Sauna-Paxis and Session
Glassfabrik: Franz-Flemming-Straße 25, 04179 Leipzig
From 12 noon – 15 o’clock (regular sauna open until 8 p.m)
recommended donation 15€ (@glasfabrik)

Shadows of plants of Carbon age and real plants

Nukleare Pforte: Mimoň (Ploučnice)

in Zusammenarbeit mit Konrad Behr entstand dieses akustische Porträt aus der Perspektive des Wassers. Vom in der Sanierung befindlichen Laugungsbergbau Stráž pod Ralskem zum militärisch genutzten Raumfährenlandeplatz „Hradčany“ bis hin zum beräumten Truppenübungsplatz „Mimoň“ spürt die Komposition den Spuren des Wassers nach – u.a. des Flusses Ploučnice. Die chemische Uranförderung bedroht potentiell die Trinkwasserquellen sowie die Oberflächenflüsse in der Region, weshalb eine (bis 2080 geplante) Sanierung stattfindet. Obwohl also der Truppenübungsplatz in ein „Wildnisgebiet“ verwandelt wurde, in dem Bisons leben, ist die nukleare Geschichte des Ortes unterschwellig aktiv – Idylle und Dystopie sind nah bei einander. Das Wasser „erzählt“ – unbeteiligt beteiligt – die Geschichte des Gebietes in einer zwanzigminütigen Komposition. Das klangliche Material wird mit Hydrophonen unter der Wasseroberfläche aufgenommen, durch Fieldrecordings ergänzt und zu einer Collage verarbeitet – das Recherchematerial, vertont durch KI-Stimmen kontrastiert und thematisiert, die Geschichte der Landschaft.

Das entstandene Stück ist eingebettet und wurde ermöglicht durch “Im Fluss” – ein Projekt der Geräuschkulisse:

Es ist eines von vier weiteren Stücken von Polina Khatsenka, Leon Goltermann und La Pesch welche am 26.10. um 18 uhr im Zimmt (Torgauer Str. 8, Leipzig) gespielt werden.

Was ist das Wesen des Flusses? Was verbindet er? Was verbindet der Mensch mit ihm? Und wie können wir die oft unsichtbaren Beziehungen zwischen Mensch und Natur akustisch erfahrbar machen? In einer musikalischen Soiree präsentieren fünf KünstlerInnen ihre persönliche, künstlerische und teilweise wissenschaftlich inspirierte Annäherung an das Phänomen Fluss. Diese in Form, Ansatz und Ausdrucksmitteln vielfältigen Werke, speziell für elektroakustische Surround-Konzerte geschaffen, laden das Publikum ein, in die klangliche Bestandsaufnahme FLUSS einzutauchen: Sei es als grenzüberschreitendes Objekt, als historischer Ohrenzeuge einer ehemaligen Militärregion, als Spiegel gesellschaftlicher Bewegungen und Stillstand, oder als kritische Neuinterpretation von Smetanas Moldau. Im Anschluss an jedes Werk findet ein offenes Publikumsgespräch mit den anwesenden KünstlerInnen statt.

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Musikfonds und dem Kulturamt Stadt Leipzig – in Kooperation with ZiMMT e.V. and phonon~

Tickets bei ZiMMT

Nukleare Pforte: Leinawald (Nobitz)

Das Projekt ist Teil einer größeren bisher 9-teiligen Serie von Porträts nuklearer Orte in Mittel- und Osteuropa, wovon das Stück über den Leinawald im Rahmen des Stipendiums des Kunsthofs Niederarnsdorfs im Herbst 2022 entstand. Schwerpunkt der Serie sind teils verlassene, teils aktive Orte des sowjetischen Teils der nuklearen Kette. Der Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchung war der sowjetisch-deutsche Uranbergbaus Ostthüringens, also auch im Altenburger Land. Uran wurde als Reparationsleistung der DDR an die Sowjetunion geliefert. Den Spuren des Urans folgend gelangte ich an weitere nukleare Standorte.

Rund 40km Luftlinie von Leipzig befindet sich der Flughafen Leipzig-Altenburg (Nobitz), welcher in der jüngeren Vergangenheit einen Linienflugverkehr betrieb, der aber bereits seit über einem Jahrzehnt wieder eingestellt wurde. In älterer Vergangenheit, vor 1990, war es ein bedeutender Militärflughafen, von dem aus Atombomben im Kriegsfall des Kalten Krieges verschickt worden wären. Das ehemalige Atomwaffenlager besteht heute aus mehreren zugeschütteten Bunkern.

Nuclear Gates

Pieces of the Nuclear Chain in East and Central Europe
The history of the nuclear industry starts in the 20th century. “Nukleare Pforten/ Nuclear Gates” puts the focus on the historical sites of the nuclear industry away from the “core” – the nuclear power plant, as sociologist Gabrielle Hecht describes it. For this project, I was moving parallel to the timeline on the trail of events: I visited the former Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin Dahlem (now the Hahn-Meitner-Bau of the FU Berlin) where nuclear fission was discovered, explored Germany’s first nuclear power plant Rheinsberg in the process of deconstruction, the former largest Soviet airport in Balitkum, Raadi, a district of Tartu along with the (atomic) bomb storages in Maramaa (and Luunja), visited the also ESSR closed town of Sillamäe with a uranium processing plant directly at the Baltic Sea, portrayed the Ralsko military complex in today’s Czech Republic, which includes not only the Stráž pod Ralskem uranium mining area, but also the former Mimoň military training area with an alternative landing strip for the Soviet space shuttle, and explored the GDR’s Morsleben repository for low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste. However, I am not creating a series of features that serve primarily informative purposes; rather, the aim is to conceive an auditory journey with artistic means that focuses essentially on current and historical contexts of this branch of industry. Having lived in a nuclear site for a long time myself, I know how counterproductive a one-sided, blatant representation can be, as it stigmatises areas and their inhabitants. Artistic representation is ambiguous and can also reconcile paradoxical realities, so it is excellently placed to address this difficult but interesting subject. In my experience, the relics of the nuclear age are either avoided in the public debate or dealt with in a very fearful way. Yet successful communication about issues and risks at current and former nuclear industry sites is essential. Even across Europe, it affects many more areas than it is generally known and will affect many more in the future – the search for a final repository as a participatory process in Germany is in full swing, for example – the rolling train of nuclear history with its burden of eternity can only be stopped slowly and will remain as a nuclear legacy for future generations for a long time to come. When I drafted this project in the summer of 2021, it was not foreseeable (to me) that military development would experience such topicality: since February 2022, nuclear weapons in various forms have again been strategically applied in Europe. This makes it all the more important to follow the continuity of these weapons and all pieces of the nuclear chain.

Nuclear history, magic and everyday life
Nuclear history is associated with many myths and misunderstandings. Although uranium has long become part of almost all cultures, it tends to appear to us as a distant, obscure element. This perspective may stem from the narrative that the atomic bomb in particular was presented as the unthinkable. Numerous authors emphasize the magical connotation that repeatedly appears in connection with nuclear power: Ernst Bloch already stated that the “radiation industry” with its practical application of quantum theory and relativity theory brings paradoxes to light “that not only surpass every vision of a novel, but almost surpass the model books of ancient magic”. So it is not surprising that apocalypse and nuclear power are also closely linked. Many associations with nuclear power are also linked to “remote” places. My project is intended to point to the presence of the nuclear complex in our surroundings and thus establish a connection to our living world – stations of nuclear history can also be found in the immediate vicinity without us always knowing about it.
Uranium is not only a techno-chemical element anymore, it has become a cultural one as well, just rather in a blind spot.

An artistic research project
For „Nuclear Gates“, I will visit nuclear sites in Germany and Eastern Europe and develop a series of associative audio collages from these trips, consisting of field recordings, sonifications, interviews, found footage and texts. These can be broadcast on the radio, published as a podcast or conceived as an exhibition contribution. For each “gateway” I will develop a kind of artistic “proof” that portrays the experiences made. The (im)possibility of sensual perception, which Ullrich Beck has called the “expropriation of the senses”, will play an essential role. I will work on the following research questions: Are there indications of the specificity of places, and if so, which ones? Do people who live in the immediate vicinity engage with them and if so, how? Is it possible to develop an acoustic atomic semiotics (based on Human Task Force Interference) by collecting the experience of such different places?

Transport container for radioactive materials, on display at Rheinsberg station, June 2020

This project was funded by a grant awarded by the Cultural Foundation of the Federal State of Saxony (KdFS) 2022

Nuclear Heritage: A Conversation in Art and Science

An online dialogue between artist Grit Ruhland and nuclear historian Bo Jacobs
Moderated by Katja Matthias

The moderated interview with nuclear historian Bo Jacobs “Out of the ground, into the ground: the challenge of nuclear legacy” and myself took place on 4.12.21. We spoke about key fundamental insights on how to deal with nuclear history were raised. The talk was recorded and can be found here:

Ph.D.-project published

A mammoth task is hereby completed and this artistic research work has found a form that can now prove itself. From here a number of paths lead further into new territory and I hope to have made my contribution to the mapping helpful for others as well. (…)

Sorry, this is in German, mostly. There are plans to review the thesis, edit and translate it … in midterm future.

Randomness as a ReSource

From September 29th to Oktober 2nd RIXC Art-Science-Conference „Open Fields“ took place in Riga. I gave a talk about my version of using Monte-Carlo-Method as a tool for landscape-observation on the basis of data captured by a Geiger-counter.„Randomness as a ReSource“ is part of my PhD-thesis to document and explore the impacts of Uranium mining by Soviet nuclear industry in East-Germany. Radioactive decay, usually known to cause mutagenous and cancerogenous processes – here is used to generate purely random locations, times and durations – patterns for the landscape-observations, that I perform. The application was created in collaboration and by Quantum physicist Dr. Stefanos Kourtis.

Regine Debatty featured my Geiger counter on instagram:


And Raphael Kim put some photos of the talk on twitter:

Grit Ruhland presenting Randomness as reSource @rixcriga

— Raph Kim (@kim_raphael) October 1, 2016

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des IPID4all-Projektes der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar